The Florida Women’s Arts Association selected for premiere exhibit at the Ormond Beach Performing Arts Center.
Granada Grand 2024 Community Project
On Saturday, Feb 3, FLWAA participated in the Granada Grand Art festival by hosting community painting tent. We constructed an “Ormond Community Tree” project consisting of 100, 3 x 3 tiles outlined with a pattern of a large tree. The finished project measured 30 x 30. Participants chose which square to paint and returned their piece to the master project. All in all, we had a wonderful turn out and it was great fun
I wish to thank Kelley Batson-Howard, Beth Carroll, Ricki Stofsky, Paula Pascucci and Madeline Beaudry for helping me man the tent and to all who donated art All in all, we had a wonderful turn out and it was great fun. I wish to thank Kelley Batson-Howard, Beth Carroll, Ricki Stofsky, Paula Pascucci and Madeline Beaudry for helping me man the tent and to all who donated art their piece to the master project. All in all, we had a wonderful turn out and it was great fun. I wish to thank Kelley Batson-Howard, Beth Carroll, Ricki Stofsky, Paula Pascucci and Madeline Beaudry for helping me man the tent and to all who donated art supplies for this.

The Color Of Rain
The Color of Rain, inspired by umbrella-themed installations in cities including Paris, Washington DC, and Miami, takes on a new twist, turning trusty umbrellas into canvasses of vibrant color. The installation invites visitors to ponder, “How do you conceive color when wet with rain?” Patrons will enjoy a fully immersive experience with an array of colorful umbrellas and the gentle sound of rain sponsored by CitiSound.